Teachers as Role Models

A role model can be described as a person who inspires and encourages us to strive for greatness, live to our fullest potential and see the best in ourselves. In other words, he or she is someone exude admiration and someone we aspire to be like.

A teacher is a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue. He or She can be described as a person who teaches, especially in a school. Teachers being role a model includes showing students how to make sense of the world, and express different ideas in a peaceful way. This can model for students how they should act when they speak with others, and how to actively listen to other points of view.

Duties and functions of Teachers

Formal teaching tasks of a teacher may include;

  1. Preparing lessons according to agreed curricula,
  2. Giving lessons,
  3. Assessing pupil progress,
  4. Accompany students on field trips,
  5. Supervise study halls,
  6. Help with the organization of school functions, and
  7. Serve as supervisors for extracurricular activities.

In some education systems, teachers may be responsible for student discipline.

Competences of Teachers

The competences required by a teacher are affected by the different ways in which the role is understood, however, broadly there seem to be four models:

  • The teacher as manager of instruction;
  • The teacher as caring person;
  • The teacher as expert learner;
  • The teacher as cultural and civic person;
  • Ability to Work with others;
  • Ability to Work with knowledge, technology and information; and
  • Ability to Work in and with society.


Ways Teachers can be Role Models

Teachers can be role models by;

  1. Discipline: To advocate for good disciple within a stable environment can be the gateway to good learning within the teaching environment. It also determines our level of seriousness to be a role model. We are all too aware that failure to implement discipline with consistency is what inhibits learners’ chances of success. If there is a failure in students respecting their teacher, we need to address it immediately. Also, if students do not respect each other, instant re-evaluation is needed to reverse negative behaviours.
  2. Be an Energetic motivator: We need to be able to broaden our use of more energetic means to communicate content or messages in a motivational manner. 
  3. Who is at the centre stage: The centre stage in our classrooms is for the students and should not be primarily used as a pedestal to show off our knowledge. It is very easy to get this muddled when we are observed in lessons. Do we feel we have to put on a performance as teachers, which occasionally leads to diversions away from the learning.
  4. Be an Inspirational innovator: When our energy stores are at their lowest ebb, our confidence can begin to diminish. It can be tempting to use outdated resources. What innovative quizzes or games can we use within lessons? How can we spark debates in interesting and original ways? How can we get learners to be interested in feeding back what they have learnt? It is the “learning experience” that our students remember us for.
  5. Be Professional: Are we still displaying significant moral qualities to enable our learners to trust us? We must listen indiscriminately and be reliable mentors that can problem solve effectively. We must be approachable but know when to remain aloof when required to stand apart as leaders. If not, students will neglect to open up to us about any issues of concern.

We cannot expect our learners to respect others if we overtly do the opposite as part of our teaching make-up. We must respect learners, support staff, fellow teachers and in fact all staff members involved in raising attainment levels for our learners.

  • Always give Feedback: As much as they may not admit it, students want to know how they performed or how teacher thought about their last piece of coursework they spent their time slaving over. Many teachers will have seen a perception shift in how seriously learners view teachers that take time to comment on work they have produced.

Yes, there are times when we are overwhelmed with the sheer volume of work being submitted from all corners. It is then that we must provide written acknowledgement and verbal feedback in a timely manner to show that we are not ignoring the efforts that they have put into their work.

  • Expand your mind: We must model ourselves on what we want our learners to aspire to. We must start with providing our full commitment to them within lessons. Teachers that sit (or stand) amongst learners and are fully mindful of the lesson time and opportunities within the time-frame show genuine commitment to the cause.

Also, if we then show that we ourselves are ambitious, our learners will mimic this and will know how important self-development is.

  • Reflect reality: Lastly, and arguably most importantly, being a role model means that we must undergo a lifelong process of reflection. Teachers need role models too. We must reflect on how we teach, acknowledge student achievements in lessons and beyond and target set. Accepting that failure occurs, makes it apparent that role models are not perfect. It is these imperfections and our resilience to positively adjust that can make a teacher a figure to be emulated.


  1. https://teach.com/what/teachers-are-role-models/
  2. https://www.coursehero.com/file/68333293/teachingdocx/
  3. https://colors-newyork.com/what-are-the-factors-to-consider-in-selecting-teaching-media/
  4. https://www.coursehero.com/file/p1cfqc65/Teachers-may-provide-instruction-in-literacy-and-numeracy-craftsmanship-or/
  5. https://www.teachertoolkit.co.uk/2019/01/21/teacher-role-model/