Call for proposals 2020 Promoting family farming in West Africa

Deadline for the submission projects: Monday, 24 February 2020

To whom is this call for proposals

To non-profit legal entities:
West African farmers’ organizations; “support NGOs” active in West Africa or in Europe
(to the extent that they work with local partners); research and/or training organizations.
Important: this call for proposals is reserved for proposals of partnership actions, formalized between African and European (EU) organization(s). The applicant organization can be West African or European (EU).

  • Selection criteria
  • After verifying that the project responds well to the 2020 priority issues, the selection committee will make a selection according to the following criteria:
  • admissibility of the dossier from an administrative point of view: complete dossier, correctly filled in and with the accompanying documents as requested, files correctly named and in the requested format, amount of the grant and duration of the project, no error in the budgets, etc.;
  • eligibility of applicants, partners and projects;
  • relevance of the innovation(s) put in place by the project and the extent to which they enable sustainable family farming production to have access to urban and rural markets and to enhance consumption of healthy local products;
  • quality of the project: its impact on family farming and on access to food in towns, cities and rural settlements, preservation of natural resources and of biodiversity, adaptation to climate change, rural employment, governance, skill-based partnerships at local and international level, etc.;
  • taking into account former experiences or experiences led by other actors on similar themes and/ or on the same territory;
  • feasibility: relevance of project’s budget and action
    plan, coherence of the general objective, specific
    objectives, planned activities, expected results and
    the indicators of these same results, coherence
    between estimated budget and financial planning;
  • criteria for inclusion of scaling-up and scaling-out
    (measures to ensure the continued benefits over
    the long run, capitalization, dissemination and
    valorization, replication of the innovations, advocacy,

Support modalities

In order to encourage applicants to develop diversified partnerships, especially local ones, the Pafao program will not finance the whole project (maximum at 80%). The financing plans will mention the other solicited/acquired financial partners, as well as the self-financing part which is forecast.

Two kinds of initiatives will be supported:

1. short-term projects (one-year duration), with a granted amount of 10,000€ to 15,000€;

2. Multi-year projects (3 years maximum), with a maximum amount of 50,000€ for the whole time period (3 years) and paid in annual tranches in light of the progress of the project.

The supported projects can already be under way, or be specific parts of wider projects, whether under way or new. The financed actions must unfold after January 1st, 2020 and begin before December 31st, 2020.

How to reply?

Please download the guidelines and the application file (Word and Excel files) on (section “Trouver un financement”) or (section “Actualités”).
The dossier, completed in French or English, is to be sent by email only, to the following address: (a Word file, accompanied by the Excel file for the budgets, and the annexes requested). The documents may be sent in several emails, each not exceeding 8 Mo.
The limit date for reception of the dossier by email is Monday, 24 February 2020.
The admissibility and the eligibility of the applications will be examined by the program secretariat, put in place by CFSI. Eligible applications will then be examined by the program grant committee. Should you have any question left unanswered after having carefully read the guidelines, please send it by email only to:
Program managers:
Karine Meaux
Fondation de France
40 avenue Hoche – 75008 Paris – France
Isabelle Duquesne
Comité Français pour la Solidarité Internationale
32 rue Le Peletier – 75009 Paris – France

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