The Enterline Foundation announces Covid-19 Emergency Grant 2020

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Deadline: 31st August, 2020.

The Enterline Foundation COVID-19 Relief Grant

Grant Application Overview: The Enterline Foundation provides financial support to organizations that in turn provide direct services to adults and children with intellectual or developmental disabilities. The Foundation also makes contributions to other organizations that serve broad charitable purposes. The Foundation is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors.

Interest Areas for Investments: The Enterline Foundation invests primarily in agencies that focus on promoting independence and quality of life for intellectually and developmentally disabled adults and children. The Foundation prioritizes funding of organizations that provide services for members of the intellectual and developmentally disabled population who are over age 22. For grant years 2020 and 2021, the Foundation is focused on providing emergency funding to support organizations who serve the IDD community who are responding to the COVID-19 crisis. The purpose of this grant is to fund innovative, yet necessary, adaptations to service delivery to ensure the organization’s long term viability.

Grant Size & Duration: Grants typically range from $5,000 to $15,000. Grants are for six months in duration. All grant recipients are required to provide a final written report accounting for expenses within six months after the award date.

Areas not typically funded: Endowment funds, individual travel and conference attendance, publication of books, projects that promote political or religious views, political or lobbying activities, direct support of an individual and individual sponsorships, and coverage of continuing operating deficits.

Eligibility: Grants are limited to eligible organizations. Eligible organizations include 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, congregations and government and educational institutions. See the Grant Application Checklist for more information.

Grant Deadline: The deadline for this grant application is August 31, 2020. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AFTER THE DEADLINE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Applications must be submitted via the online electronic form. If you have technical difficulties with the form, please contact Nicholas Reynolds at 678-814-7184 immediately. Visit:

To conduct a fair and ethical grants program, the Foundation follows a conflict of interest policy, which states that Board members not participate in the grant process for an organization with which they are affiliated.